One hedge fund takes the money… as another one arrives

Today’s Financial Times reports that one of the US hedge funds involved in the Co-operative Bank restructure, Aurelius, has already sold almost all its stake in the Bank (don’t get too excited, it’s gone to another hedge fund, Perry Capital).  The cooperative world has frequently talked of the short-termism of the capital markets and here, it would seem, is a text-book example.

The FT dedicates a whole page to the recent story of the Bank and the Co-operative Group, a generally very fair feature which assesses what has been happening and why.  The paper also reminders its readers of recent difficulties among other cooperatives, including (as I’ve reported here) Rabobank.  FT journalist Patrick Jenkins quotes a Moody’s analyst Carola Schuler who puts current problems at cooperatives down to two core causes, corporate governance and capital allocation.

Actually, I think, Moody’s analysis is absolutely right.  The FT doesn’t go on to add (but I will) that both issues have already been identified as key issues in the International Co-operative Alliance’s current strategic work agenda.